Sunday, June 19, 2011

Paleo(ish) Ice Cream

Ice cream van by waynep57
Ice cream van, a photo by waynep57 on Flickr.

This summer I have enjoyed exploring the benefits of eating a "Paleo" diet. It's a lifestyle I've been pretty faithfully living for about a year and a half now and the phrase: "Paleo Diet", is a widely known term that basically categorizes and sums up the what, why's and hows. More on that later...
Bottom line is this is NOT a fru-fru, health-nut craze. It is the way of eating I've chose to honor my body as an instrument for HIS glory. And it is NOT bland, boring, or burdensome.
I came across this ice cream recipe the other day,and have been dying to try its deliciousness. I wanted to pass it along to you fellow healthful wholesome peeps as well.
Here's to "not-being-left-out-just-cause-we-like-to-eat-good-stuff!" And to "ICE CREAM"!

I found this Ice Cream Recipe on one of my new favorite blogs.

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