It's time to face the music. Summer is mid way through. It seems to me that summers are a short, and unique season for us. Even those with full time jobs that no longer get the luxury of a "summer break", there's something about staying up extra late and squeezing every ounce of fun from a lovely summer day.
Perhaps is the added Vitamin D that allows us to relax and step out of rigorous routine for a moment...or two. This has prompted me to seriously consider buying a tanning bed. Just think- year round Vitamin D bliss! Just kidding. Don't do that. :)
These past few summers I have noticed a trend, maybe you will be able to relate. It starts like this:
The start of summer is always trying to wind down my brain and my schedule. Still feeling the "afterglow" of highlights from the past year that carry with it a powerful hope for possibilities for the upcoming summer. Because of high hopes, it's like being on steroids sometimes when opportunities come. Whether it's serving, spending time with people, joining someone in some short term "venture." It's like my mind is saying no, but my body is so jacked on "what if's" it twitches as I subconsciously nod "YES!" "Pick me!".
Although the passion is very real, and the commitment there, it always seems to strike me (about midsummer) that things aren't working out quite as planned. Some things are better than expected, and some things seem to completely drop off to the way side.
I miss understand my lingering passion and lack of rigorous routine for a lack of spirituality and faith. Unfortunately in the past this has taken me some time to figure out. I tend to feel discouraged, positive that something is wrong with me. "I'm just not seeking God like I did this year. How come my city isn't all worshiping Jesus yet? How come I haven't seen any crazy miracles this summer?"
Haha. Am I the only one who thinks like this? Join me as I put an end to the trend...
Breath. Take in the moment right now. Take in the view on the other side of this screen. Ready?
No matter what we feel God is always there. Always.
I give them eternal life, and they will never die. No one can steal them out of my hand. John 10:28
If you have committed your life to Christ, no matter where you are, what you do, how you hurt, if your heart is set on Him, you will not fall from His hand! You see, my mind and my heart were in different seasons, and warring against each other. Causing an internal battle that led to anxiety, unrest, and depression. A farmer doesn't harvest in the Spring, or plant in the Summer. This would be very inefficient, and certainly not profitable!
As I take some time to reflect, I am reminded of this Truth. Why am I trying to reap the harvest, when I am supposed to be tending the field?
I am happy to tell you that I have "nipped it in the bud". I am doing what God has called me to this summer. Resting in His Love, and soaking in His Truth He has revealed. Since then, oh boy, I wish I could describe the freedom and almost silly ecstasy of His presence and unexpected plans. Not always a feeling,(in fact recently nothing really emotional at all) but a deep assurance of being in the palm of His hand. He promised me that, He promised you that.
I encourage you to recognize or remember what God has called you to this particular season. Rest? Direction? Relationship? Work? Simply acknowledge it, ask for forgiveness for contradicting His ordained "season" for you. Take joy in focusing on just that thing.
Remember no matter what circumstance surrounds, or what your heart feels, know that God is greater than your heart and He knows everything. NoTHING can snatch you from Him.
That's how we know that we hold to the truth. And that's how we put our hearts at rest, knowing that God is watching. Our hearts may judge us. But God is greater than our hearts. He knows everything. 1 John 3:19-21
Reflect today. Enjoy today.
PS. What is your favorite summer song?
ReplyDeleteThis is one of mine!