Monday, June 28, 2010

From the Inside Out

lovely |ˈləvlē|
adjective ( -lier , -liest )
exquisitely beautiful : you have lovely eyes | lovely views.
informal very pleasant or enjoyable; delightful : we've had a lovely day |she's a lovely person.
Today my sister Cassidy and I spent the day just goofing around doing girly things. She biked while I ran, then we listened to a message together online. The Pastor Steven Furtick reminded us that God created each of us with incredible intention. That He literally knit us together in our mother's tummy. From the inside out. He said a brilliant line that stood out like a salsa dancing eskimo.
You cannot cover insecurity on the inside with your appearance on the outside."

Since we were literally created "insides" first, it should be our priority. 'Cause if your insides aint lookin' good, your outside sure aint gonna look much better. For long. That is the secret to beauty my friends. (Or security for you feller's.)
Today the word lovely is on my mind. So I took some pictures of my lovely sister as we were perusing out on the town.
Enjoy :)

$3 challenge
go to a garage sale or a thrift shop and find a lovely treasure

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