Someone recently asked me how I have been effected from different experiences out of the country to impoverished places. It didn't take me long to blurt out a confident spew of how. One thing I'm not, is guilty or apologetic for what I have here in the states. It's okay that we have comfy beds to sleep on and toothpaste coming out of our ears alongside clean water to brush. Now am I suggesting that we take them for granted? Don't be so naive. There's no need to mention the nuts-zo stats like, 24,000 children die everyday mostly due to malnutrition and disease, or that 80% of the world's population lives on less than 10 dollars a day, or that nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to write their name. Because we don't care. Our oil needs to be changed and our hair needs a trim. Day to day "necessities" fire at us like an unexpected bomb squad and the reality of these stats seem to fade into white noise.
Don't stop reading...hope ahead!!
In a quick conclusion I'm not going to ask you to donate 50 dollars a month to a worthy organization (but I won't stop you either.) I'm not going to ask you to go on a trip somewhere far overseas (but I won't stop you either.) And I'm not going to ask you to eat only rice and beans for the next five years ( you couldn't do it if you tried.) What I am going to do is share with you a few secrets of my travels and experiences that I am so honored to have been apart of. Maybe inspire you to get muddy...
1.) Joy
There is no excuse to not have joy.
In Haiti we played with these beautiful children in a village. They were wearing only shirts. They couldn't count on a next meal. They had no TV or MAC. They slept on the dirt. But they had genuine smiles that would put the Orbit girl to shame.
2.) Contentment and Peace
In a little town in the remote mountains of itchiuayan , Mexico, there is no buzz of the radio, or closed doors. People live to be older because of simplicity;lifestyle and food. Give the kids an old ball and a duck. Pure contentment. Stress free.
3.) Prayer Works
Now if you don't believe in God...I still want to be your friend. I however do, and when you are in an unsafe place seeing unusual things, I had to rely on God for physical and emotional strength. We prayed for blind people-they saw. We prayed for stomachs-healed. We prayed for lame legs- we saw them walk. Prayer works.
That's a longer answer than I wanted. Take it or leave it. These next few photos are from a weekend in Duluth,MN. A favorite vacation spot for me and the fam. Right by Lake Superior it's gorgeous! You don't need to spend any money to have the best time of your life. There's honestly nothing I would've rather been doing than hanging out with amazing people in a lovely place. Simple neon carrot. It's a crayola crayon color introduced in 1990 (the year I was born.) This color has nothing to do with anything besides the fact it makes me laugh. A simple yet over rated joy.
If these colors don't scream summer...I don't know what does.
My brother Kody is obsessed with sewing. He is incredible with making all sorts of packs. We got a private tour with world renown 'Duluth Pack' to see how it's done. Their USA hand made, and have a lifetime guarantee. Kody was in the zone.

It's not just the angle making his legs look 10 feet long. He's ginormous.
Let m introduce you to our new kitty Charlie. (Me and Kody hate that name because it makes you think of that dum little kid with the bit finger, so we call him Mogley.) Mogley is too small to stay home alone so he tagged along. He just chilled like the coolest dog would. Minimal meowing. He went on walks with us, and never pottied in the car. We raise the best animals.
Simple beauty.
3 pointers on how to handle people:
1.) Don't criticize,condemn, or complain
2.) Give honest and sincere appreciation
3.)Amuse in others an eager want
tidBITE (How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie)
World Facts
Fantastic Brooke. I bet that Lake is so beautiful. I like how you said there is no excuse to not have JOy in your life. That is so true. Joy is free and completely attainable. Your rockin with the pictures. My fav is the one on the blanket over top of your mom's head.
ReplyDeletecan't wait to see more!!!
i just went on a "free" trip to duluth through your blog... or was it a field trip. i learned much. thanks, brooke.