You've seen the magazine...Real Simple.It's full of good ideas for the home and is targeted for women. ANYWAYS... they make life seem so flawlessly simple. Which is smart on their side because if they promoted cluttery messes and ugly ideas, they would go bankrupt. But life is not Real Simple. They should change their name to 'Real Pain in the Rear.' Let me explain:

If your heart is beating, you have passions. If you're human, you have dreams. Probably too many in reality- or maybe not? But there's the old "not enough time" excuse. It can be a real pain trying to find an efficiant balance!
I have dreams bigger than what my puny little hands could ever accomplish. Lots of them. And I plan on them being fulfilled, maybe not even in my lifetime...but with the life (the time) that we do have, why not work towards them?
After all, they are passions remember? Passions don't shove deadlines in your face. Passions don't wear you out. Passions won't fire you. A passions is something you think about all day, even after a long day of who knows what, there always seems to be just a few extra minutes for ______.
Facebook doesn't count.
After pondering this, it sort of boiled down like a pot roast for me.
Big goals are accomplished only when we first complete a billion little goals...CHOICES!
There ya go folks.
I truley believe that if we make time work for us and not work for time, we can accomplish crazy,nutsy,wild things. It can literally start from avoiding facebook for a week to focus on a passion during that time. For me it's blogging,taking pictures,hangin' out with younger girls,and learning about world changing people.
Side Note:
FB is seriously a drug. There is some weird addictive chemical laced in the alluring white and blue template I just know it...
Anyhow I'm going to borrow a lesson from the Great Chris Hodges from Church of the Highlands in Birmingham,AL on how to manage time!!
The Delicious 'Make Dreams Happen' Recipe (no grocery store run)
1) Understand you mission,purpose,dreams
2) Identify Current roles
-What is required of you now?
3) Define for yourself most important activities
ie: school,relationships,work,church,working out
4) Plan life around 1,2 & 3!
Schedule time for the big focuses and everything less important (but still fun) will fall into place.
What if I told you that it wasn't the amount of things that we do, but the order that we do them? Maybe the big wigs at Real Simple got it after all...
relax, it can happen.
Let me share with you a few moments of one of my passions. Pictures.
Please comment some of yours!
Passion Assessment.
People- Who are you most interested in?
Actions- What do you like to do the most?
Strength- When you are doing____ you feel strongest.
Serving- How can you help someone soley for their benefit?
Interests- What noble activity interests you?
Opportunity- Where do you have an opportunity?
Nostalgia- When in your life do you feel most fulfilled?
Borrowed from material from Church of the Highlands

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